
Opening hours & location

Wednesday 9:00 - 12:00 in room V 703 (university administration)

Information about the University of Konstanz’s bank details

The University of Konstanz’s bank details

BW-Bank Konstanz:

Account number: 7486501274

Bank code number: 60050101

IBAN: DE92 6005 0101 7486 5012 74


VAT and tax IDs

The University of Konstanz’s VAT identification number (UID/VAT) is: DE142316505

The University of Konstanz’s tax ID number is: 0949/01208


Credit card form for events

(Please note that this link will lead to an external page run by

明升体育_足球竞彩网-官网 payments

Information about international payments or transactions in foreign currencies are available on request from the cashier’s office (you can find the contact details in the column on the right)

Bank code numbers

The official & current BANK CODE NUMBERS directly from the Bundesbank (federal bank) (with diverse search options)

Exchange rates (official)

Official & daily updated EXCHANGE RATE STATISTICS from the Bundesbank with an overview of the last 30 days

Exchange rates (historical)

164 HISTORICAL EXCHANGE RATES for every past day (excluding non-official rates; for information purposes only)

Cash euros

Information about cash euros