Safety inspections

Now it's getting serious!

[Translate to Englisch:] Nadel im Heuhaufen
[Translate to Englisch:] Nadel im Heuhaufen ? CC0

We come to take a close look at your workplace and the working conditions - and we bring along reinforcements. And woe betide we find the needle in the haystack!

NO! Of course not!

A safety inspection is indeed the "official" part of our work as safety engineers. But it does not serve the purpose to find even the smallest error, to dismantle even the smallest detail into its atoms and to identify the culprits.

The aim of the inspection is to uncover hazards at your workplace and during your activities and then to develop measures in cooperation with you and your supervisor to exclude or at least minimise these hazards. After all, you should stay healthy!

But what is the difference to our daily work as safety engineers?

On the one hand, safety inspections are required by law. On the other hand, it serves the purpose of documentation. The employer has the duty to ensure safe working conditions and a safe workplace. Therefore, deficiencies must be identified, documented and measures taken. Only then can (and will) the employer act.

But here, too, the safety engineers can "only" act in an advisory capacity. Nevertheless, this instrument of inspection naturally creates a kind of "gentle pressure" to act.

Who's there?

[Translate to Englisch:] Menschenmenge
[Translate to Englisch:] Menschenmenge ? CC0 bearbeitet HH Uni KN

In short, a lot of people.

  • Safety engineers
  • company doctor
  • management representative
  • line managers
  • Direct superior
  • Safety officers (depending on the area, radiation protection officer, laser protection officer, biological safety officer, genetic engineering officer, etc...)
  • If applicable, representative of the staff council
  • And you!

So in a nutshell:

Responsible persons, specialists for occupational safety, occupational medicine, specialists for your field of work and you as an expert for your activity. They all look together, advise and decide on measures.