How we save energy

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Energy saving measures:


  • Please check your actual heating requirements critically. Can the temperatures possibly be lowered further? Please set the radiator thermostats to level 2.5. The setting can also be maintained when leaving the rooms and during the closure of the business.
  • To prevent the rooms from cooling down, keep windows and doors closed. Open the windows for a short time to let air in, but do not keep them tilted.
  • Sunlight can be used very effectively to heat the rooms additionally. The blinds no longer go down automatically if it is bright outside. They will only go down in the evening to prevent the building from cooling down. You can adjust the blinds manually at any time.

Cooling and air conditioning systems:

  • Rooms will only be cooled where this is required for either research purposes (e.g. labs with heat-sensitive set-ups) or technical reasons (e.g. large equipment, server rooms).
  • Laboratory directors have been asked to reduce cooling systems to the minimum levels required for the respective research purposes.
  • Cooling devices that use a lot of energy should either be turned off (if seldom in use) or replaced with more energy-efficient ones (if possible).

Warm water:

  • The warm water has been turned off in all kitchenettes with a dishwasher. For now, kitchenettes without a dishwasher still have warm water so it is possible to wash dishes.
  • Warm water has been turned off for the showers in buildings L, P and Z. For now, the showers in building M still have warm water, since it can be heated electrically from a decentral source.
  • Flow-through heaters that mainly are used to warm water for hand washing, are out of service, provided that hygiene regulations can still be observed.

Please do your part in the workplace:

  • Turn off all lamps and electrical devices that you do not need. Do not leave electrical devices on standby when they will not be used for a longer period – cut their power supply instead.
  • Wherever possible, try not to use elevators and electric fans.
  • Check your workplace for items that use an unnecessary amount of energy. Every little bit helps!
  • For business travel, please use public transportation whenever possible or carpool if you need to take a car.
  • Make sure there is enough space around heaters so that the warmth can spread in the rooms you use.
  • Please note that you may not use any kind of electric heaters (fan heaters, radiators, infrared heaters, heated blankets etc.) at the university. The university cannot pay for these devices, and the technical infrastructure is not designed for electric heaters. Such devices pose a fire hazard. Most importantly, these devices use a large amount of energy.