Abschluss (degree)

The academic title earned after successfully completing university-level studies and a final examination (e.g. bachelor’s, master’s degree).

Abschluss im Ausland / Zeitstudierende (degree earned abroad)

A category describing international visiting students who only complete a part of their studies at the University of Konstanz and who will earn their degrees from a university abroad:

  • Exchange Studies
  • Research Stay
  • Research Internship
  • Free Movers
  • Teacher education programme for secondary school level I (in cooperation with the Thurgau University of Teacher Education (PHTG))

As per § 60 para. 1 sentence 5 Landeshochschulgesetz LHG (state law on higher education) and § 15 Zulassungs- und Immatrikulationsordnung (ZImmO, admission and enrolment regulations) of the University of Konstanz, students are considered to be visiting students if they are enrolled at the University of Konstanz for a part of their studies amounting to no more than two semesters and if they do not seek a degree from the University of Konstanz. In line with § 15 para. 1 ZImmO, this includes exchange students from partner universities or those taking part in exchange programmes such as ERASMUS. It also includes free movers who spend one to two semesters abroad at the University of Konstanz as well as students who complete a short-term research stay or research internship at the University of Konstanz.

As part of the cooperation with the Thurgau University of Teacher Education (PHTG), all PHTG students in a teacher education programme for secondary school level I are enrolled as visiting students as per the partnership agreement.

As part of the cooperation with the Thurgau University of Teacher Education (PHTG), all PHTG students in a teacher education programme for secondary school level II are enrolled as regular students as per the partnership agreement.

In accordance with § 15 para. 2 ZImmO, visiting students do not take part in selection procedures or aptitude tests, i.e. students who have been registered for an aptitude test for a master’s or doctoral programme are not considered visiting students.

Absprungrate/ Absprünge (bounce rate )

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the rate or number of visitors exiting a website directly after accessing it.

Akademisches Jahr (academic year)

The one-year period from the beginning of the winter semester to the end of the summer semester. An academic year starts on 1 October and ends on the last day of the following summer semester on 30 September. The academic year 2020 includes the summer semester 2020 and the preceding winter semester 2019/2020.

Aktionen (actions)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the number of activities on a website (page views, downloads, searches, etc.)

Aktionen pro Besuch (actions per visit)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the number of actions people take on a site during one visit (page views, downloads, searches, etc.).

Aktive Bewerber*innen (active applicants)

Applicants can submit several applications and thus apply for several study programmes. Active applicants meet the admission requirements for the desired study programmes and are included in the selection process. Persons who apply for more than one study programme are only counted once in this key performance indicator. If the indicator is only considered for a specific study programme, then the number of active applications and active applicants is identical.

Aktive Bewerbungen (active applications)

Complete applications received that meet the admission requirements for the desired study programme and are included in the selection process.

Aktuelle Zahlen (current numbers)

A date category that can be adjusted in the filter of the (doctoral) student reports. Reports generated with this filter setting will use only the most recent data from the previous day.

Amtliche Statistik (official statistics)

A date category that can be adjusted in the filter of the (doctoral) student reports. When selecting this filter setting, statistics from the state statistics office will be used that are selected from the following areas and dates:


  • 15 June (summer semester) [until summer semester 2019]
  • 01 June (summer semester) [from summer semester 2020]
  • 15 December (winter semester) [until winter semester 2013/2014]
  • 30 November (winter semester) [winter semester 2013/2014 - winter semester 2018/2019]
  • 15 November (winter semester) [winter semester 2019/2020 - winter semester 2020/2021]
  •  01 December (winter semester) [winter semester 2021/22]

graduates / completed doctoral studies

  • 15 January (for the previous summer semester)
  • 15 January (for the previous winter semester)

current doctoral candidates / discontinued doctoral studies

  • 01 December (winter semester)
  • 01 June (summer semester)

Ausgehende Verweise (outbound links)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the number of visitors who follow a link and are taken to another website. Unique outbound links: the number of visitors clicking the link multiple times is counted as one unique outbound link.

Ausstiegsrate/Ausstiege (exit rate)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the rate or share of visitors who leave a website from a particular page.

Autorenschaften (authorships)

Authorships describe the connection between a publication its authors. If a publication has 3 authorships, it can be counted up to 3 times in reports that count authorships. Also see "Publikationen (publications)"


Besuche (number of visits)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the number of visits to a website.

Besuchszeit (average session duration)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the average time visitors spend for one or several activities on a website.

Besuchte Ergebnisseiten (results page views)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the average number of visited results pages after an internal search.

Beurlaubung (leave of absence)

Re-registration status for students who interrupt their studies for the entire semester for which they were enrolled. Possible reasons include internships, study abroad or illness. Leave of absence semesters do not count as study semesters.

Students with the re-registration status leave of absence at the respective deadline are not included in the student numbers as part of the official student statistics.

Bewerbung (applications)

Applications are all complete applications received. Important: Since winter semester 2020/21, online-only application for undergraduate programmes has been possible. Since summer semester 2021 also for graduate programmes.

Bildungsausl?nder (international students with HZB from abroad)

Students with foreign citizenship who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, HZB) abroad.

Bildungsinl?nder (international students with german HZB)

Students with foreign citizenship who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, HZB) in Germany.



A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the number of clicks on a link to download a file. The analysis programme does not know whether the download was completed or not.


Eindeutige Ausgehende Verweise (Unique outbound links)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the number of visitors who follow a link and are taken to another website. Each outbound link that is followed is only counted once per session.

Eindeutige Besucher*innen (unique visitors)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the number of individuals who visited a website in a given time period.  One person visiting multiple times during that time period is counted as one unique visitor.

Eindeutige Downloads (Unique downloads)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the number of clicks on a link to download a file with each download being counted only once per visit. The analysis programme does not know whether the download was completed or not.

Eindeutige Seitenansichten (Unique page view)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the number of times a web page is viewed with each page being counted only once per visitor, even if it has been called up several times during a visit.

Eindeutige Suchanfragen (Unique search queries)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the number of search queries performed during a visit to a website. Each search query is only counted once during a visit, even if it was entered several times.

Einschreibungen (enrolled students)

Indicator of the absolute number of valid and complete applications that went through the entire enrolment process. The records of enrolled students take into account students meeting the following characteristics:

Degree-seeking students (cases ) as of the internal due date with the following registration status: “first enrolment”, “re-enrolment”, “re-registration” and “leave of absence” (without “exmatriculation”)

Erweiterungsfach (additional Subject, EHF / EBF)

Term for study subjects associated with a degree in “Lehramt” (teaching). This study subject can either be an Erweiterungshauptfach (EHF) (additional major subject) or Erweiterungsbeifach (EBF) (additional minor subject). An additional subject can be studied along with the first and second major or separately after the degree has been completed. The additional subject with major requirements is needed in order to be able to teach the subject at all secondary education levels (Gymnasium). The additional subject with minor requirements is needed to teach the subject only at the lower and middle secondary education levels (Gymnasium).

Ersteinschreibung (first registration)

Re-registration status for students who have registered for the first time at the University of Konstanz and who have not previously studied at another higher education institution (1st university semester).

Exchange Studies

Designation for international students who are completing one or two study semesters at the University of Konstanz. These students are either participating in an exchange programme (Sokrates/Erasmus) or visiting through institutional cooperation contracts or as scholarship holders (DAAD, Fulbright).

Exmatrikulation (exmatriculation)

Re-registration status for students who are exmatriculated during a semester. At the time of exmatriculation, the students are designated with this status. Students who are planning to be exmatriculated at the end of the semester will keep their original re-registration status for that semester.

Students with the re-registration status exmatriculation at the respective deadline are not included in the student numbers as part of the official student statistics.


Fachbereich (department)

Basic organisational unit based on the principle of functional division, which includes various working groups and is used as an aggregation level for evaluations. The University of Konstanz is divided into 13 departments:

Faculty of Sciences

  • Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  • Department of Computer and Information Science
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Biology
  • Department of Psychology

Faculty of Humanities

  • Department of Philosophy
  • Department of History and Sociology
  • Department of Literature
  • Department of Linguistics

Faculty of Politics, Law and Economics

  • Department of Law
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Politics and Public Administration

Fachkennzeichen (FKZ) (study subject label)

Descriptive label for study subjects. The following labels apply depending on the type of degree to be earned:

  • Major
  • Minor
  • Additional major subject
  • Additional minor subject

Fachsemester (study semester)

The semesters completed within a study programme. The total number of study semesters depends on the registered course semesters (including the semesters when completing exams) and periods of study from a different course of study or from study abroad, as long as they can be accredited to the relevant study programme.

Fachstudienanf?ngerInnen (first-semester students, 1st FS)

Statistic describing the absolute (1st FS) or relative number (% of 1st FS) of students who are currently enrolled in a study programme in their first semester and are beginning their subject studies.

To correctly calculate the number of first-semester students, the re-registration status "leave of absence" is relevant, because study programme semesters cease to be counted during leaves of absence.

  • If students on leave of absence during their first study programme semester are included in the overall count, they are otherwise counted as first-semester students multiple times.
  • If students on leave of absence during their first study programme semester are excluded from the overall count, they are only counted once as first-semester students. 

F?lle (cases)

A counting method that can be adjusted to filter the student reports. When selecting this filter setting by choosing all case constellations, the report provides information on the number of students enrolled in a study programme or assigned to an individual study subject (major and minor or first and second study programmes). The following case constellations are available:

  • Study programme 1 - Subject 1 (heads)
  • Study programme 1 - Subject 2
  • Study programme 1 - Subject 3
  • Study programme 1 - Subject 4
  • Study programme 2 - Subject 1
  • Study programme 2 - Subject 2
  • Study programme 2 - Subject 3
  • Study programme 3 - Subject 1
  • Study programme 3 - Subject 2
  • Interdisciplinary Subject

Frauen (women)

Measure for the absolute number (women) or the relative number (% of women) of persons of the female gender.

Free Movers

Designation for international students who are completing one or two semesters at the University of Konstanz who have organised their study abroad via their home institution independent from an official cooperation or exchange agreement between the two universities.

Forschungsaufenthalt (research stay)

Designation for international doctoral students who are completing a research stay at the University of Konstanz as part of their doctoral studies.


Generierungszeit (page load time)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the average time required to completely load a website.

Geschlecht (gender)

Dichotomous attribute that classifies a person as either a male or female.


Hauptantr?ge (primary choice applications)

Applications for a first-choice study programme (application number 1) 

Hauptfach (major, HF)

Term used for study subjects with all final degree options (bachelor, master, teaching degree programme).

Heimatwohnsitz (home address)

City or county, where students reside independently of the lecture periods. To be declared only when the home address is in Germany. The home address is divided into the categories of either Germany or a foreign country and then grouped into a specific federal state for statistical analysis.

Hilfsantr?ge (secondary choice applications)

Applications for a second- or third-choice study programme (application number > 1). 

Hochschulsemester (university semesters)

The semesters completed at German (including the former GDR) institutions of higher education - including the current semester. Leave of absence and internship semesters are also counted, but not preparatory course semesters at a German "Studienkolleg".

Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (higher education entrance qualification, HZB)

Collective term for the qualifications that entitle the designated person to study at the university level. The following higher education entrance qualifications can be attained:

  • General higher education entrance qualification
  • German qualification for study at a university of applied sciences
  • German subject-specific higher education entrance qualification
  • General higher education entrance qualification earned outside of Germany
  • Subject-specific higher education entrance qualification earned outside of Germany
  • Other

H?rerstatus (student status)

Descriptive attribute for students that differentiates between various status groups via a primary characteristic. Three different groups are defined as:

  • Non-degree seeking student
  • Degree seeking student
  • Pupil

HZB-Wohnsitz (HZB-home address)

City or county, in which the students earned their higher education entrance qualification . To be declared only when the HZB-home address is in Germany. The HZB-home address is divided into the categories of either Germany or a foreign country and then grouped into a specific federal state for statistical analysis.


i-10 Index ( i-10 Index)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of publication analytics that indicates how many publications of the author were cited 10 or more times by other authors.

Incomings (incoming students)

Designation for students who are completing only a part of their studies at the University of Konstanz and who will complete their studies at their home institution (exchange studies, research stay, free movers).

Interdisziplin?res Fach (interdisciplinary subject)

A special case, which can be adjusted in the heads / cases filters of student reports. When selecting this filter setting in combination with the other case constellations, the number of cases for interdisciplinary study programs are doubled and divided equally between the corresponding departments.


Measure for the absolute number (international) or the relative number (international in %) of persons who do not have German citizenship. 

Interne Statistik (internal statistics)

A date category that can be adjusted in the filter of the (doctoral) student reports. When selecting this filter setting, statistics from the University of Konstanz will be used that are selected from the following areas and dates:

Students / Current Doctoral Candidates / Discontinued Doctoral Studies

  • 30 April (summer semester)
  • 31 October (winter semester)

Graduates / Completed Doctoral Studies

  • 30 April (for the previous winter semester)
  • 31 October (for the previous summer semester)


K?pfe (heads)

A counting method that can be adjusted in the filter of the student reports. When selecting this filter setting by choosing the case constellation Studg.1-Fach 1 (K?pfe) (Study programme 1 - Subject 1 (heads), only students in the first subject of the first study programme will be counted. In this way, the students can be actually determined.

Kreis (district)

Political classification of the home, semester, or HZB-home address of students by city or county. For statistical analysis, the official differentiation of the German Federal Statistical Office are used.


Neueinschreibung (re-enrolment)

Re-registration status for students who have enrolled for the first time at the University of Konstanz and who have previously studied at another higher education institution (transfer students, students who interrupted their studies).

Nebenfach (minor Subject, NF)

Term used for study subjects for specific final degree options (bachelor, Magister).


Open Access

There are typically two types of Open Access - the green path (Open Access Green) and the golden path (Open Access Gold).

In the first case, publications that have already been published elsewhere (usually by a publisher) or are intended for publication are also made available in a freely available version (often as a so-called secondary publication) - for example in a repository. With the golden path, the primary publication (as the so-called first publication) itself is realized in the form of open access; it is freely available and can be reused. The most important examples of this are open access journals and the offerings of numerous German-language university publishers.

In KOPS, there are also the following Open Access types:

Open Access Hybrid: The journal itself requires a license, but individual articles are published as Open Access upon payment of a fee. “Hybrid” here means: A magazine contains both freely accessible articles and those behind a paywall.

Open Access Book: Book (“Monographie”, “Sammelband”) that was published open access.

Open Access Bookpart: “Sammelbandbeitrag” or “Buchkapitel” that was published Open Access.


Publikationen (publications)

Reports that count publications include every publication exactly once. These reports do not include connections between publications and departments, as the authors may come from different departments. Also see "Autorenschaften (authorships)".

Prüfungsjahr (examination year)

The one-year period from the beginning of the winter semester to the end of the following summer semester. An examination year starts on 1 October and ends on the last day of the following summer semester on 30 September. The examination year 2020 includes the summer semester 2020 and the preceding winter semester 2019/2020.

Prüfungsordnungsversion (examination regulation version, PO-version)

The number of the relevant version of the examination regulation governing the study programme that students enrolled into. 


Rückmeldestatus (re-registration status)

Descriptive attribute for students that differentiates between various status groups during semesters, depending on the type of enrolment or re-registration. Five different groups are identified:

  • Leave of Absence
  • First Registration
  • Exmatriculation
  • Re-enrolment
  • Re-registration

Rückmeldung (re-registration)

Re-registration status for students who were enrolled in the previous semester at the University of Konstanz.


SchülerIn (pupil)

Student status for students completing a Schülerstudium (studying while in school) or who are studying while enroled in the Salem Kolleg's university and career orientation year. You can differentiate between the two categories using the "Abschluss" filter.

Seitenansichten (page view)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the number of times a website is viewed. Unique page view: combines the page views that are from the same person.

Seiten-URL (page URL)

The page URL in the area "website analytics" describes the path to the website for which the key performance indicators for website analytics are shown (page views, bounce rate, time on page, exit rate, page load time....) The number in brackets indicates the respective position in this path, for example for "/en/controlling/controlling-data-portal/glossary/":

Page URL(1) = www-uni-konstanz.de
Page URL(2) =controlling
Page URL(3) = controlling-data-portal
Page URL(4) =glossary

Unknown URL: A summary of website addresses (URLs) in the area of website analytics that contains actions on University of Konstanz websites for which no or no unique website address can be determined.

Other URL: A summary of website addresses (URLs) in the area of website analytics that contains visits to websites that are not relevant for website reporting

Sektion (faculty)

An organisational unit that incorporates departments of specific disciplines. It is used as an aggregation level for statistical analysis. The University of Konstanz is divided into three faculties:

  • Faculty of Sciences
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculty of Politics, Law and Economics


A half-year period of study which includes both the lecture period and the lecture-free period. The winter semester covers the period from 1 October of one year to 31 March of the following year. The summer semester covers the period from April 1 to September 30 of each year. The semester is the lowest aggregation level for reporting purposes when measuring students, applications, examinations and doctoral students.

Semesterwohnsitz (semester address)

City or county, where students reside during the lecture period. To be declared only when the semester address is in Germany. The semester address is divided into the categories of either Germany or a foreign country and then grouped into a specific federal state for statistical analysis.

Staatsangeh?rigkeit (nationality)

A personal characteristic certified through official documents which identify the citizenship to one or more countries. The nationalities are grouped by continent for statistical analysis:

  • Asia
  • Africa
  • America
  • Europe
  • Australia and Oceania

Stichtag (reference date)

Officially or internally determined date that is important for statistical analysis. It can be selected as a default setting in the filter for (doctoral) student reports. The following reference dates are available for selection in various performance areas:

Studienanf?ngerInnen (new students, 1. HS)

Measure representing the absolute (1. HS) or relative number (% of 1. HS) of students who are currently enrolled at a school of higher education and are beginning their studies.

Studienfach (field of study)

The discipline determined in the examination regulations in which an academic degree at the University of Konstanz can be earned.

Studiengang (study programme)

The student selected combination of field of study, degree, study subject and examination regulation version. Study programmes are defined by examination and study regulations and must be completed in a specified standard period of study.

Studienjahr (study year)

The one-year period from the beginning of the summer semester to the end of the following winter semester. A study year begins with the summer semester on 1 April and ends on the last day of the following winter semester on 31 March. The study year 2020 includes the summer semester 2020 and the following winter semester 2020/2021.

Suchanfragen (Search queries)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the number of search queries performed during a visit to a website.


Vollstudien?quivalent (VS?) (full-time student equivalent)

A way of quantifying the amount of students to attain an equivalent number of full-time students. This serves the purpose of stating the total scope of students, irrespective of study programme combinations (majors and minors). The amount is calculated by giving each study programme a specific weight (e.g. bachelor’s minor: 0.25, 1st/2nd major for bachelor’s of education students: 0.4). A full-time student equivalent is equal to the workload of one full-time student.

Vollzeit?quivalent (VZ?) (full-time staff equivalent)

A way of quantifying the amount of staff by adding up all the (full- and part-time) positions and calculating the equivalent number of full-time positions. This serves the purpose of stating the total scope of employment in education irrespective of the headcount for full- or part-time employment. One full-time equivalent is a combination of part-time employees amounting to the weekly working hours of a full-time employee.


Zeit pro Seite (time on page)

A key performance indicator (KPI) in the area of website analytics that indicates the time visitors spend on an individual website.

Zeitstudierende / Abschluss im Ausland (degree earned abroad)

A category describing international visiting students who only complete a part of their studies at the University of Konstanz and who will earn their degrees from a university abroad:

As per § 60 para. 1 sentence 5 Landeshochschulgesetz LHG (state law on higher education) and § 15 Zulassungs- und Immatrikulationsordnung (ZImmO, admission and enrolment regulations) of the University of Konstanz, students are considered to be visiting students if they are enrolled at the University of Konstanz for a part of their studies amounting to no more than two semesters and if they do not seek a degree from the University of Konstanz. In line with § 15 para. 1 ZImmO, this includes exchange students from partner universities or those taking part in exchange programmes such as ERASMUS. It also includes free movers who spend one to two semesters abroad at the University of Konstanz as well as students who complete a short-term research stay or research internship at the University of Konstanz.

As part of the cooperation with the Thurgau University of Teacher Education (PHTG), all PHTG students in a teacher education programme for secondary school level I are enrolled as visiting students as per the partnership agreement.

As part of the cooperation with the Thurgau University of Teacher Education (PHTG), all PHTG students in a teacher education programme for secondary school level II are enrolled as regular students as per the partnership agreement.

In accordance with § 15 para. 2 ZImmO, visiting students do not take part in selection procedures or aptitude tests, i.e. students who have been registered for an aptitude test for a master’s or doctoral programme are not considered visiting students.

Zulassungen (admissions)

Key performance indicator for the absolute number of valid and complete applications that resulted in an offer of admission from the University of Konstanz. The admissions records take into account the following status entries in the HISinOne APP field "Subject status", which refers to the academic subject named in the application:

  • Another offer accepted
  • Admitted
  • Enrolled
  • Deadline expired
  • Offer of admission has been received
  • Request for enrolment under consideration
  • Enrolment requested
  • On hold
  • Admission offer declined
  • Request for enrolment rejected
  • Request for enrolment withdrawn

Zurückgezogene und ausgeschlossene Bewerbungen (withdrawn and excluded applications)

Complete applications received that do not meet the admission requirements for the desired study programme, or that have been withdrawn, or that can no longer be included in the admission process because of the coordination effect in the dialogue-oriented service procedure (DoSV). This coordination effect only occurs in the case of undergraduate programmes with restricted admission.

Zweitmittel (additional state funding)

Funding the state of Baden-Württemberg provides in addition to the regular university budget (chapter 1414), (e.g. 'Hochschule 2012', 'Master 2016', 'IQF', other programmes).