Frequently asked questions

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How do I register?

In order to take part in university sports, you will either need to purchase a sport ticket to book an activity from the sports programme


you can purchase a SportABO or a uniMotion membership.
If you have a SportABO or uniMotion membership, the sport ticket is already included and you can book any activity you like.

How much does it cost?

  • Sport ticket:
    Students: € 5.00 per semester // staff and VEUK members: € 10.00 // guests: € 10.00 per semester
    For more information and to purchase a sport ticket, visit this website.
  • SportABO:
    Students: € 49.00 per semester  // staff and VEUK members: € 75.00 per semester
    For more information and to book a SportAbo, visit this website.
  • uniMotion:
    Students: € 26.00 per month   // staff and VEUK members: € 33.00 per month
    To find out more about a uniMotion membership visit this website.
  • Sport courses:
    Each course costs € 19.00 per semester.
    For more information and to register for courses, visit this website.

How does the cancellation work?

You do not need to cancel your sport ticket or registration for activities that you would not like to participate in the next time they are offered. We only debit the respective amount from your account once.

Premature cancellation of the sportABO membership contract is not possible. The membership is automatically renewed for the new semester. The initial membership of the sportABO or the renewal of the sportABO can be cancelled in writing - by email or cancellation form - at any time up to 15th of September (summer semester) / 15th of March (winter semester).

Your uniMotion membership: The initial term of membership is 6 months. It is automatically extended for an indefinite period. A monthly right of cancellation applies during the renewal period. Cancellation must be made 15 days before the end of the term in order to take effect the following month. Cancellations must be made in written form. This can be done on the website of the Academic Sports Service or by email.

How can I cancel?

There are plenty of reasons why you might need to change or cancel your registration for an activity: a change in your class schedule, an illness or injury, for example.

As long as you make these changes before the cancellation deadline listed in ¡°AGB¡± (terms and conditions) ¡ì 5 - R¨¹cktritte (cancellations): then you can change or cancel your registration without a problem. We are very accommodating at the beginning of the semester. After that, we will give you the opportunity, for example, to provide a replacement for your participation or, with a bit of luck, someone from the waiting list will take your place.

In any case, you should be familiar with the general terms and conditions and we recommend that you take out insurance that will reimburse you for any financial loss if you are unable to attend due to illness, for example.

I am not a member of the University of Konstanz. Can I still take part in university sports?

Yes, you do have options.

  • If you are a student or staff member at the HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences or the Thurgau University of Teacher Education (PHTG), you can take participate under the same conditions as University of Konstanz members.
  • Students from other universities can also take part in Konstanz university sports.
  • Guests can take part in courses that are not entirely booked.
    They can book two weeks after the official start of registration for each semester.
  •  By the way, VEUK members enjoy the same conditions as University of Konstanz staff.