Transfer of Duties

... must that be the case?

[Translate to Englisch:] Grafik Pflichtenübertragung
[Translate to Englisch:] Grafik ? HH Uni KN

The employer is responsible for the implementation of and compliance with occupational health and safety in his company. In the case of the University of Constance, this would strictly speaking be the state of Baden-Württemberg or the university as employer or the rector as superior of all professors or the chancellor as head of all employees.

It is quite clear that neither the Rector nor the Chancellor can carry out this task alone, even if they knew all the places of work. For this reason, the legislator in §13, (2) Arbeitsschutzgesetz and the Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung DGUV in Regulation 1 "Principles of Prevention" provided for the transfer of duties.

The Contractor may instruct reliable and competent persons in writing to perform the duties incumbent upon them (in accordance with this Act) on their own responsibility.
§ 13 (2) ArbSchG
... The assignment shall define the scope of responsibility and powers and shall be signed by the delegate. A copy of the commission shall be given to him.
DGUV Vorschrift 1 "Grunds?tze der Pr?vention"

The transfer of duties is therefore an instrument for organising occupational health and safety at the workplace.

Reliable persons are those who can be expected to perform their duties conscientiously in the course of occupational health and safety. Specialised persons are characterised by relevant specialist knowledge and (several years) professional experience. The entrepreneur may only delegate responsibility to persons who have both these qualities.

Therefore, if you are given responsibility for an area as part of a formal transfer of duties, discuss the exact delimitation of the area(s) and tasks with your supervisor.