Computer and Information Science – Master of Science


Graduate studies requires an undergraduate university degree.

The Master’s programme in Computer and Information Science at the University of Konstanz is geared towards the computer-assisted processing of large volumes of data and is designed to provide students interested in the development of complex information and analysis systems with the requisite knowledge. These systems feature a combination of automatic data analysis procedures and interactive visualization.

Ensuring that this type of system is both technically feasible and user-friendly requires a thorough grasp of a variety of methods and technologies from different branches of computer science:

  • information system development (e.g. databases, software engineering, and networks)
  • visualization (e.g. computer graphics and computer vision)
  • data analysis (e.g. data mining and visual analytics)
  • algorithms (e.g. network science and signal processing) and
  • information science (e.g. interaction design and information retrieval).

Auf einen Blick

Abschluss Master of Science
Studienbeginn Wintersemester & Sommersemester
Regelstudienzeit 4 Semester
Bewerbungszeitraum 15.3. - 15.4./ 15.6. (no visa) | 29.11. - 15.1. (no visa)
Zulassungsbeschr?nkung nein
ECTS 120
? Zahl Studienanf?ngerInnen ca. 30/semester

Warum Computer and Information Science in Konstanz studieren?

  • mentoring programme: As a master’s student, you will choose an academic supervisor (mentor) during your first semester who you can turn to for added focus, discuss your advanced coursework with and who will supervise your master’s project and thesis
  • profiles: specialisation in one of the following disciplines within the broad field of applied and practical computer science: Data Mining/Big Data, Digital Libraries, Interactive Systems, Network Science, Systems, Visual Computing, Sports Informatics, Bio Informatics
  • high tech: excellent and innovative technical labs, facilities and study conditions, e.g. a powerwall for visualizing large volumes of data, E-david (painting robot), media room
  • research-oriented: relevant project work that is integrated in the current research work of our research groups
  • career support: Our Career Passport programme is your gateway to the German labor market



Berufliche Perspektiven

Graduates who have successfully completed the Master's Programme in Computer and Information Science pursue careers as

  • data scientists and data analysts
  • software developers and consultants
  • system designers and engineers
  • interaction designers and usability engineers

in fields where large volumes of data are processed and visualized, such as

  • banking and insurance businesses
  • telematics and internet agencies,
  • software companies
  • movies, simulation and the computer games industry
  • market research, management consultations,
  • logistics and network management
  • medicine and molecular biology

The city of Konstanz is located in the state of Baden-Württemberg not far away from the Bavarian border. Both states are among the strongest and most prosperous business locations in Germany.
Our graduates also benefit from the city’s advantageous geographical location in the international region where the borders of Germany, Switzerland and Austria converge. IT experts are equally in demand in all three countries.



Wintersemester & Sommersemester


We offer our students a two-year master's programme (4 semesters, 120 ECTS):

  • for BSc graduates with a three-year bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Engineering or another relevant subject; completed BSc credits: 180 ECTS

Weitere Informationen zur Studienstruktur finden Sie in der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung.

Praktika und Auslandsaufenthalt


You are not required to complete an internship as part of your master’s programme. However, the Department supports you with a departmental career service, a placement data pool and several activities that focus on different aspects of employability.


The Department of Computer and Information Science supports student mobility and therefore maintains and establishes new exchange agreements at all degree levels with a variety of partner universities in Europe and overseas. Although a semester abroad is not mandatory, we encourage our master’s students to participate in a study and/or work exchange programme.


Welche Interessen und F?higkeiten sollte ich mitbringen?

  • strong computer science background
  • interest in our profiles
  • affinity for scientific research

明升体育_足球竞彩网-官网 self-assessment test Computer and Information Science
If you are thinking about applying for our master’s programme, the study quiz Computer and Information Science will provide you with an excellent opportunity to test whether your academic education to date meets our requirements.

Erforderliche Sprachkenntnisse

This programme is taught in English. A sufficient language proficiency proof is therefore required. A missing or invalid proof of English language proficiency will lead to the exclusion of the application.

We expect a level of at least high B2 as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRshort description of level B2)

We only accept the following language proficiency proofs without any exception:

  • TOEFL: minimum score: 90 (Institution Code, Name and Type: B226 U Konstanz Dept Comp/Info Sci)
  • IELTS (academic test): minimum score: 6
  • Cambridge First Certificate in English: minimum grade: C
  • Evidence of 5 years continuous English classes, level German secondary school up to Abitur (German equivalent to A-level), minimum grade "befriedigend" or better
  • Successful completion of a minimum of four subject-related courses held in English in a previous relevant degree program or exchange program (ERASMUS etc.) in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland
  • Successful completion of a minimum of three subject-related courses in English and the writing of the final thesis in English in a previous relevant degree program in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland
  • High school or Bachelor degree or study exchange certificate (min. one semester) from an English educational institution from one of the following countries: USA, UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa

Lehr- und Prüfungssprache

This programme is taught in English.

Zugangsvoraussetzungen zum Studium

Our departmental admission committee decides on the basis of the application documents and a points system on the applicant’s eligibility for the master’s programme in Computer and Information Science.

Requirements such as the final grade, subject relevance, motivation and additional subject-related activities such as internships, studies abroad etc. and/or special subject-related commitments such as subject-related MOOCs, etc. and the GRE revised General Test score (only mandatory for applicants with a university degree not falling under the Lisbon Convention) are assessed and evaluated. Detailed information on the procedure and the admission requirements can be found on our website.

For details, please see the admission regulations.

Gebühren und Beitr?ge


Pro Studiensemester an der Universit?t Konstanz ist von allen Studierenden ein Semesterbeitrag zu zahlen, der in ?hnlicher H?he von allen Hochschulen in Deutschland erhoben wird. Hier erfahren Sie, wie hoch der aktuelle Semesterbeitrag ist und aus welchen Kosten er sich zusammensetzt.

Tuition fees for first degree studies for certain international students
Since winter semester 2017/18, the state of Baden-Württemberg has required some international students to pay tuition fees for their first degree studies. The following students are not required to pay tuition fees: citizens of a country within the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), doctoral students and certain “Bildungsinl?nder” (e.g. non-EU citizens with a German “Abitur”). More detailed information can be found here.

Each year, the University of Konstanz grants exemptions to a limited number of particularly gifted international degree-seeking students in accordance with the university’s “Begabtenbefreiungssatzung” (statutes governing the exemption of gifted students). More detailed information can be found here.

Tuition fees for second degree studies for all students
All students are required to pay tuition fees for their second degree studies. More detailed information can be found here.

Bewerbung und Bewerbungsunterlagen

Admission to the Master's Programme in Computer and Information Science is not restricted. You can begin the study programme in the winter and summer semesters.

An application is possible during the following period:
winter semester: 25.3. – 15.5. / 15.6. (no visa)
summer semester: 3.12. – 15.12 / 15.1. (no visa)

There may be other deadlines if you are applying for admission to a higher semester (for instance, if you are changing subjects or universities). For more information please consult the university website.

Eine Bewerbung für den Studiengang ist innerhalb dieser Frist(en) m?glich: 15.3. - 15.4./ 15.6. (no visa) (Wintersemester) und 29.11. - 15.1. (no visa) (Sommersemester). Bei Bewerbungen auf ein h?heres Fachsemester (im Falle eines Fach- oder Hochschulwechsels) gelten gegebenenfalls andere Fristen. Bitte informieren Sie sich darüber auf der Webseite der Universit?t.

Erforderliche Bewerbungsunterlagen

The following documents are part of your online application. Please note that this list is not binding. It only serves as an orientation.

  1. officially certified copy of your bachelor's degree certificate with an official translation into German or English.
  2. Students in their final year of study can hand in the degree certificate later.
  3. officially certified copy of your transcript of records showing subjects taken, credits and grades obtained, with an official translation into German or English.
    For applicants enrolled at the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Konstanz, an uncertified transcript of records is sufficient.
  4. documentation of English language skills (see language skills)
  5. table of equivalence
    Not applicable for applicants with a B.Sc. degree in Computer Science or Information Engineering from the University of Konstanz.
    A handwritten completion of the form is not acceptable and may lead to a non-review of the application.
  6. personal statement questionnaire.
    A handwritten completion of the form is not acceptable and may lead to a non-review of the application.
  7. full curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages)
    A handwritten CV is not acceptable and may lead to a non-review of the application.
  8. GRE General Test (official score sheet; Institution Code (DI): 7174); only mandatory for applicants with a university degree not falling under the Lisbon Convention
  9. applicants from China, India and Vietnam: APS certificate (original) issued by the German Embassy in your home country